Using Pinterest for Social Media Marketing

By Adam  |  1 Feb 2016 12:00:00

Facebook and Twitter are probably the two most well-known social media sites, but another network of roughly the same size is Pinterest. So, as I am sure you can tell, Pinterest is an excellent website to use if you would like to do some social media marketing. Pinterest is all about sharing images, rather than links and text and I'd like to take you over some of the ways that you could make good use of Pinterest when trying to market your business. Every social media website is a little different and so every social media website requires a slightly different approach for marketing.


As Pinterest is designed primarily for image sharing, this will be an especially useful platform for any businesses selling products which are especially aesthetically pleasing. If you sell clothes, you can highlight how good they look when worn, if you sell foods you can share lots of delicious photos, if you sell toys you can post lots of lovely photos of them. But if your product is more practical than beautiful, then you might want to try sharing infographics or things like that. Imagine you sold tools - maybe people would appreciate handy visual guides on how to do certain things with them. You could also use images to highlight any limited time offers and so forth.


Pinterest describe themselves not as a social media website, but as a 'catalogue of ideas' and I think that that, perhaps, should give you an idea of how to present yourself over Pinterest. With an ever growing number of users, Pinterest gives you the opportunity to reach a lot of new customers and is certainly not something to be overlooked. If you think that Pinterest might be an appropriate platform for you to use to promote your eCommerce website, then go ahead and get started right away! However you proceed with social media marketing, I hope that you will be able to use it to drive sales!

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