Get Noticed on Twitter By Uploading Images

By Adam  |  27 Aug 2015 13:00:00

Twitter is one of the most useful free marketing tools around. Tweeting regularly is a good way to keep yourself fresh in the minds of existing customers and to interact with/be noticed by new, potential customers. The most important things are to tweet regularly, to use hashtags, to interact with others and to be nice! But there's something a lot of people fail to do which is actually something which can make quite a difference.


You should be uploading images with most tweets that you send out. The fact is that Twitter is full of tweets and when somebody is browsing through a hashtag, the tweets which stand out the most are the tweets which have an image with them. It might be hard to come up with images to share on Twitter regularly but if you have any graphic design skills they will be hugely in your favour. If you have a sale on, make a cool graphic to advertise that sale, make a cool mascot to represent your business and whatever else you can think of which will be appropriate for your Twitter. Having images is much more likely to make your tweets eye catching which is much more likely to encourage people to interact with you, share your work and to look at your main Twitter feed or your website. Without graphic design skills, there are still other things you can do; if you took lots of pictures of your product, for example, that would be appropriate, or else you could take photos of yourself using your product. Everyone handles Twitter differently and there's no clear set of rules about what to do on there, but images will be beneficial and I shall leave what those images are down to you.


So I hope that's been a useful piece of advice! Maybe you've been doing a good job of reaching people on Twitter without uploading many images, but consider this: you might have been doing even better if you had been using them! If it's not too time consuming, you should give it a try. I hope that it will prove to drive your social media marketing and help to make your eCommerce website even more successful!

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