How Google Alerts Can Aid Your Business

By Adam  |  18 Oct 2015 12:00:00

Google offer a wide range of different services and many of them will be useful for you and your business. In today's blog post I would like to focus on Google Alerts in particular and how you could make good use of it. Google Alerts is a service which sends you periodical emails full of news articles that have a certain term in the title; so, for example, if you wanted all of the latest news on 'iPhones' then the term you would use would be 'iPhones' and you'd get all the most recent news pieces that contained that word in their titles.


So, how can Google Alerts help you? Well, firstly, it's great for content marketing. If you have a blog on your website it means that people will have more of a reason to keep returning to you (and therefore they might make more purchases) and, also, it improves your site's SEO and means that it will come up in more people's Google searches. But finding ideas for a blog can be hard; blogs should be regularly updated and you might not be able to regularly come up with fresh ideas. You can set up a Google Alert which is related to your business and then you'll constantly be given new, relevant stories which you can write your own reports on.


Furthermore, Google Alerts allows you to keep tabs on what your competitors are doing. Oh, they've started offering this kind of product too? Maybe you'll do the same! Oh, they're doing a regular Sunday flash sale? Well maybe you'll beat them to it with a regular Saturday flash sale! It's just generally a good idea to keep up with what the other businesses in your area are doing; it will help you to more clearly identify your own business’s strengths and weaknesses.


So I hope that was useful information for you. Whether you use Google Alerts or not, I hope that your business will continue to prosper.

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