Monitor Your Traffic With Google Analytics

By Adam  |  30 Sep 2015 10:00:00

If you run an eCommerce business, there are a couple of things which you're always going to want to know: How many people are coming to my site? Which pages on my site are the most popular? and getting the answers to these questions could be very useful in helping you to enhance your website. Google Analytics can give you these answers, and as it is a free service you should definitely consider trying it out.


Once you've signed up for Google Analytics and given them all of your information and everything, you'll then be given various graphs and charts which show you data about who's been visiting your website. You can find out whether they found you through a simple Google search or if it was another site making reference to you or other means; if nobody is finding you through search engines, you need to improve your SEO. Furthermore, you can see the total number of people who are visiting your website and what the average length of time that they spent on there was; if people are leaving quickly, you need to do more to keep them interested in you.


What is, perhaps, most useful to people who have an eCommerce website is the fact that Google Analytics can tell you your website's 'bounce rate'. A 'bounce rate' is what is used to describe the frequency in which people visit your homepage and leave without looking at any of the other pages on your website. This is very bad for eCommerce, because if people visit your website they should be looking at the products you have to offer and not leaving right away. Of course, a small bounce rate is inevitable, but try to keep it as low as possible. If it's high, make the homepage very exciting and draw attention to your great products and low prices.


So as you can tell from this brief introduction alone, Google Analytics can be very useful indeed. As it is also completely free to use, you have nothing to lose by signing up, but what you stand to gain is the information you need to enhance your website and drive sales. The importance of Google Analytics cannot be stated enough.

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RomanCart Content Expert
Ecommerce Expert
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