When Will It Be Black Friday?

By Adam  |  9 Sep 2015 12:00:00

Black Friday is a big day for a lot of businesses. For those who don't know, Black Friday is the day when shops tend to offer a huge number of sales and discounts. They only last a day, but on Black Friday you'll find items for sale at prices much, much cheaper than you'll see them at any other time of the year. Businesses may make less money on each individual sale, but they make so many more sales that they still make a huge profit.


So doubtlessly you're going to want to take part in this year's Black Friday with your own eCommerce business. But when is Black Friday? Well, sadly, it doesn't have a set date for you to memorise, instead it is tied to the ever-changing date of Thanksgiving (you can tell it has American origins now). Thanksgiving is always on the fourth Thursday of November and Black Friday is always the Friday which comes afterward. So if you think you might forget that, but would always like to do something for Black Friday, then you should think about just noting down all of those dates in your electronic calendars right now! As that time is so close to Christmas, it's very likely that people will use Black Friday in order to buy themselves early Christmas presents or in order to buy Christmas presents for their friends and family. This, combined with the great discount, is really going to help drive sales.


So if you hadn't heard of Black Friday before now, I hope this blog post has been a good introduction to the concept for you. If you wanted to find out when Black Friday is; well, now you know! I hope that you will be able to take advantage of Black Friday and use it as a chance to make lots of money and to reach new customers. This stands to be very useful for your eCommerce website and is definitely worth looking into.

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