Recycling Content

By Adam  |  22 Feb 2016 12:00:00

Content is a very valuable thing. Once you produce a good piece of content, it will always be useful. If, for example, you produced a very handy infographic which contained some deeply useful information, then that would be just as valid on the day of its creation as it will be in a year's time. This isn't the case 100% of the time: if you wrote a news report on something, then this would only be relevant around the time that you wrote it, but afterward nobody will really be interested. The more good pieces of content you create the more avenues there are through which customers can discover you. But did you know that content can be recycled?


Do you know what it means to recycle content? Well, there are a few things you can do. Firstly, if you wrote a piece of content two years ago and it was very popular, there's no reason you can't share it again! As long as it wasn't tied to any event in time, being reshared might well expose it to a whole new audience and cause it to do just as well. What you also might like to try to do is updating an existing piece; if you had a comprehensive informative post, you could then add any information which may have become available later on and promote it as a new and exciting improvement. Another possibility would be to post your content onto other people's websites - if you approach them nice and professionally, explain that the content would be good for their site and then have some good solid content to back that up, there's a real chance they'll say yes. If they have a nice piece of content, even if it was written by you, it will still bring people to their site and if you include a link back to your main site, it will increase the search engine ranking of your website (link backs are good) while also maybe leading some people there directly.


So, as you can see, if you write a piece of content, it still has life left in it, even after it's been published! It might continue to draw people in without you noticing, you might be able to reinvent it or you might be able to give it new life on a different website. So don't forget the value of content marketing when the time comes to promote your eCommerce website, as people are just now realising how extremely valuable content is.

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RomanCart Content Expert
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