YouTube SEO

By Adam  |  16 Mar 2016 12:00:00

YouTube is probably the world's best known video content sharing site. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that though, because if you're a regular user of the internet, you probably see people sharing YouTube videos all the time. You probably go to YouTube yourself whenever you want to see an internet video. Therefore it should be no surprise that a large number of businesses are using YouTube for marketing purposes. But do you know how to make sure a video you upload gets found?


It should go without saying that anything you upload to YouTube to represent your business should be of the highest possible quality: a poorly made video might make people think you've got a poorly run business! A well made video is also much more likely to be enjoyed by viewers who are then more likely to share it amongst their friends by their own accord. But what else can you do to make sure that your videos are found and enjoyed by people? Well, what you need to remember is that YouTube has a kind of SEO of its own. Whenever you post YouTube videos, you need to be sure that the titles contain the right keywords and are the sorts of things that people might search for. Don't make the titles too long and ensure that the keywords are towards the start of the titles. You should also be sure that you give your video all the appropriate tags, as those will have an impact on who finds them. Make sure you don't include irrelevent tags though, this won't be helpful because videos covering similar subject will not have those strange additional tags that you've added, causing you to rank more lowly.


So just keep this in mind when you next come to doing a bit of video marketing for your eCommerce website. The content of any video is definitely important, but there are a lot of other things too. You need to be sure that you have the title just right with all the appropriate keywords because, otherwise, the chances of people find it are significantly reduced. Whatever you do to market your eCommerce website, I hope that it will be successful and you'll enjoy a good increase in sales.

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