Future of eCommerce

By Adam  |  3 Oct 2015 12:00:00

The Business2Community people have put together an infographic which is likely to be very interesting to anybody who is a part of the world of eCommerce (or anyone who hopes to soon be a part of that world). Here is a link for you to follow, if you'd like to take a look, but don't worry if you'd rather not, as I am going to go over the key points in a second. As that is a very interesting piece of content, I thought it was important to share it with as many people as possible. Let's take a look at what you can learn from it.


It seems that 62% of shoppers are more likely to buy something from an eCommerce website if they are able to return it to a physical shop (should they need to). This is hardly surprising, because packaging something up and then sending it off may well seem like a lot of bother to many people, whereas simply popping into a shop and handing a product over for a refund will not. So if you have a shop out on the high street (and I appreciate that that will not be all of you) then you might like to provide this option as it is very easily done! It also showed that a customer support service known as The Chat Shop has been growing in popularity recently and that many customers are finding it especially useful. It is a chat system and, if you've got the money, it's the kind of thing you might wish to look into. But those are just two of the points which I found the most interesting. It also shows that Instagram is a rising power in the world of eCommerce, apps are becoming more widespread and many other useful facts.


When you run an eCommerce website, you are working with something which is inherently tied to the development of technology and therefore you always need to keep up with the ways in which technology is updating. If you find out about something new, it won't hurt for you to experiment with it and maybe become one of the first businesses to make good use of it! Things like this B2C graphic can help you to keep up with these advances. I hope that this post has been helpful to you and that your eCommerce website will continue to flourish.

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