Optimise Web Pages with SEOquake

By Adam  |  23 May 2016 12:00:00

If you're running an eCommerce website, then one thing you need to be conscious of is that your site is as fully optimised for search engines as possible. It can be tricky and time consuming to manually go through everything on a page to make sure that it's up to a certain standard - there are lots of things to keep in mind, many of which you may not even be aware of. With all of that in mind, you might be very happy to hear about a browser plugin called SEOquake which can help you to measure how well optimised a page is.


SEOquake will measure all kinds of things for you: the keyword densities of different words within the text, the use of images, the length and content of the title and lots of other things like that which can help you to determine how well optimised each page and each piece of content is. If your content marketing has not been quite as effective as you had hoped, perhaps you could analyse the posts with SEOquake to give you an idea of where you're falling down. Tweaking each one might then prove to be very helpful in making your content marketing much more effective!


So keep SEOquake in mind as a very useful content marketing aid. Nicely, it is entirely free to use and so you don't really have anything to lose by testing it out. It will only take five minutes to tweak a piece of content once it's been written, so there's really no reason for you not to do it. Hopefully this useful piece of advice will be the thing to help your eCommerce website rank even more highly! But if you don't yet have an eCommerce website, then remember that you can use RomanCart to turn any website into an online shop.

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