Free to Use Images from Pexels

By Adam  |  21 Oct 2016 12:00:00

Like "Pixels" but with an 'e'.

Content marketing is something that can be enormously beneficial to owners of eCommerce websites. Not only is this a good way to keep your site fresh in the eyes of search engine algorithms, but it also gives people a reason to keep coming back to your site and provides you with some useful things to share on social media. But one thing that's pretty important and which a few people actually neglect to do, is including images in every piece of content you write. The problem with using images with all of your content is that it means that you have to acquire a photo for every post, but to help you to avoid this problem, I'd like to introduce you to a website called Pexels.

Pexels is a site which provides a huge collection of high quality images which are appropriate for any purpose. Basically, it's just a database for you to search through at your leisure and, yes, while other people may use some of the same images, who's ever going to know that? The chances of one of the readers of your blog being familiar with another site that uses those images are quite low - furthermore, even if they have seen one of the images before, what are the chances that they'll remember? While it might be better to actually pay for your own photographs, or even to do them yourself, this is not going to be practical for a lot of small businesses and that is why Pexels is such a good site.

If somebody sees a blog post which is just a block of text, they are not very likely to read it or to be drawn in. If you've got a nice image in there too, the text becomes more readable and people are more likely to give it more than just a passing glance. Search engines know this too and their algorithms will look at images as an indicator that a site is more user friendly and, as a result cause it to rank more highly. So I hope that that gives you a good idea of how you can improve your content marketing and where you can find some free images! Ultimately, whatever you decide to do, I hope you will find success.

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