A/B Email Marketing Testing

By Adam  |  26 Nov 2015 12:00:00

Email marketing is a great way to keep your customers coming back to you. If somebody buys something from your eCommerce website and then gives you their email address so that they can be signed up to your newsletter, those newsletters will be a nice and regular reminder to the customer that your business is still around and that their purchases would be appreciated. If they weren't on your mailing list, there's a chance they'd forget about you after their single purchase, so it's definitely worth trying to get people on there.


But how can you be sure that your email marketing is effective? If you can see that not many people are opening the email, what can you do to change that? Well, you might wish to consider doing some A/B testing. If you're not familiar with A/B testing, what it is, is sending out the same newsletter to lots of people, but giving different people different subject lines on the email. A/B testing would allow you to see what kind of subject line will encourage the most click throughs; maybe something jokey, something friendly, something that draws attention to a discount, something that leaves them asking questions. As you can see, there are many different approaches you can take when it comes to email marketing subject lines and a bit of A/B testing will help you to make sure you're doing what's right for your business.


So I hope this has been a helpful introduction to A/B testing for you. If you're worried that your email marketing is not quite as effective as you would like it to be, perhaps this could be a good way for you to solve that problem. Ultimately, whatever your methods for ensuring that your marketing is as effective as possible, I hope that you will be able to find success with your eCommerce website.

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