Monitor SEO with SEMrush

By Adam  |  14 Oct 2016 12:00:00

That's SEMlush!

SEO. That's something which all website owners strive to obtain: a site which is perfectly optimised for search engines. The problem is the rules for obtaining and maintaining high search rankings are so mysterious and elusive that a lot of people will struggle to see whether or not they've done any good (or, on the other hand, if they've done anything bad.) Tools like SEMrush make it a lot easier for you to see how well you're doing in SEO terms and are definitely worth checking out.


So what can SEMrush do for you? Well, what makes SEMrush so handy is that it allows you to easily monitor your Google rankings for specific search terms over long periods of time. They give you an easy to follow line graph which shows you when your rankings have gone up and when they have gone down. You can then observe when you made specific changes or did specific things and see whether or not they correlate to any shift in rankings. You can also use SEMrush to see which keywords you are ranking for and, interestingly, which keywords your competitors are ranking for. This can give you a good idea for what things you should be targeting in your content marketing strategies. Don't know what to write about? Write an article covering a keyword your competitors are ranking for!


So if you want to get an idea of which keywords you're doing well for and to see how your rankings have changed over a long period of time, SEMrush is the thing to use! This kind of thing could do wonders for your eCommerce website, but whatever it is that you decide to do, I hope that you will continue to enjoy success from your online business. But if you don't have an eCommerce website, then sign up to RomanCart today – you can use it to turn any website into an online shop!

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