Find Prospects On Social Media

By Adam  |  3 Sep 2015 13:00:00

If you run your own eCommerce business you're going to want to get people to find out about it. A good way to do this is to try and 'woo' people over social media so that they know how nice you are and how good your business is. But I know what you're thinking "How can I be sure that I am interacting with people who'll ever buy from me?" which is a reasonable concern. You might spend ages interacting with someone over Twitter and sharing their work, only for it to be a futile endeavour. Like trying to sell snow to a snowman, to give an example.


So what can you do to make sure the people you're interacting with are those who might buy from you? Well, I would suggest going to the Twitter pages of your competitors, especially the feeds of your most successful competitors. When you're on their page you'll see that it says "Followers" and shows you how many people are following you; if you click on that you'll see every single Twitter user who is subscribed to their feed. Of course, all of those people are likely to buy from your competitor and therefore stand a chance of being converted to your business. If you then respond to their tweets and retweet the ones which will be appropriate to your business, they'll get a good impression of you and may well decide to take a look at your website; if they realise you’re an alternative to their preferred service, they might think that you have more unique selling points than they do and become your customer instead.


So I hope that gives you an idea of how useful Twitter can be for finding prospects. If you'd rather be somewhat more direct, you could try not only looking at their Twitter feeds but also at their website where you stand to find some contact details; you could then try giving them a telesales call or sending them promotional materials in the mail. Use whichever approach you think best and whichever best suits your business. I hope that this has given you some ideas about how to reach new people and how to proceed with your marketing. I wish you all the best and continued success with your eCommerce business!

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RomanCart Content Expert
Ecommerce Expert
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