What Makes Good Content?

By Adam  |  20 Apr 2016 12:00:00

Content marketing: a perfect way for you to increase traffic to your website by being an upstanding member of the online community and producing something worthwhile. But the question is, how can you be sure that you are producing good content? What is good content? These are good questions and things which any content marketer should know the answer to, so for today's blog post I'd like to offer a quick guide to producing good content.


A good rule to think of when doing content marketing is that you should be giving your customers something which they would gladly pay for. For example, if you sold kitchen supplies, then perhaps you'd share a lot of recipes over on the site's blog - this is good, people would pay for a recipe book, but you're giving them that content for free. See what I'm saying? Essentially, you can write anything as web content, but it just needs to have some kind of substance to it. Make your customers think, make them laugh, make them cry… Just produce content that causes some kind of response. A blog post, for example, which was just about why your business is really good, is not something which people would pay for, neither is a showcase of your products. The problem is that some people take the 'marketing' aspect of content marketing a little too far, resulting in poor content. The best approach is to end with a slightly salesy call to action and nothing more.


So I hope that gives you a good idea about how you could improve your content marketing abilities. Before writing something, think to yourself "Well this benefit anyone other than me?" and if the answer is yes, then go ahead and write it, but if the answer is no, you're not really creating anything worthwhile. Other than that, do as you please! Creativity can actually be a very useful thing when it comes to content marketing. Whatever you do, I hope it will help drive traffic to your site.

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RomanCart Content Expert
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