
By Adam  |  2 Dec 2015 12:00:00

If you're doing content marketing to promote your eCommerce website, then you are doubtlessly hoping that it will be both interesting and engaging. The problem is, with thousands of other businesses all over the internet trying to do the exact same thing, it can be difficult to know what you can do to ensure that your own content is unique enough to stand out. There are lots of approaches you can take, and any ideas you have, even if they seem unusual, are definitely worth experimenting with! But in today's blog post I'd like to tell you a little about a service called Apester which might just help you to make your content more effective.


Apester describes itself as "Storytelling 2.0" and aims to help people turn their content into a 'story' that really engages the audience. Apester provides many features which will help to get customers more involved in your content. One of these features is a personal interaction unit, where the reader will be asked a question; these questions could provide you with hugely beneficial information. You can also create quizzes, which your customers might find fun to complete. If, for example, you were selling products that were related to a certain movie franchise, then you could make a fun quiz to test their knowledge of the franchise. It's exactly the kind of thing fans love. Plus, you can also make questionnaires, which are a great way to find out what your customers want and what they expect from you. Plus, Apester's algorithm means that people can be taken around your site, to various different pages, to get a sense of how all aspects of the business come together to give them their product; it's a great way to tell your story.


So if you are doing content marketing and it isn't quite as effective as you'd hoped, perhaps it's worth giving Apester a look? It could be the thing that turns your good content into great content! Ultimately, it's best to do what you are most comfortable with and what you think best reflects your business. Whatever your decision, I hope that your marketing is successful and that your eCommerce business will continue to grow!

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