Choosing a Secure Password

By Adam  |  21 Sep 2015 15:00:00

In the modern world of the internet and technology, a lot of the time a password is all that lies between your private documents and the whole world. That sounds worrying until you realise that it shouldn't be too hard to come up with an especially safe password. If you're not sure how to determine a good password, then perhaps this blog post will be beneficial to you. Follow my instructions and your eCommerce business will remain safe and secure.


Firstly, what you must always avoid is using the word 'password', your name or your date of birth. All of these things are far too easy to guess. By this same logic, you mustn't go for the name of your pets, the name of your mother, your address or anything else like that; it would only take a quick trip to your social media feeds and somebody wishing to access your website and/or your documents might find all the answers they need. So what makes a good password? Well, I am pleased you asked because it's very important. For a good password, you could pick a word completely at random; maybe just open your dictionary and pick the first word you see. Then, once you have chosen a random word, choose a random number to go with it! This will make the password truly unpredictable.


There are a few other things you can try too, like throwing in random characters and capitalised letters, but if that sounds too hard to remember, a random word and a random number should be nice and safe enough. Also, for the random number do not use your card number; if somebody got hold of one or the other, they may then realise it can be used for both purposes. For that same reason, it is important that you not use the exact same password for every single thing that you use. If someone did somehow get one of your passwords, it would be better if that only given them access to one thing belonging to you. Anyway, I hope that gives you a good idea of how to choose a good password and that you will be more secure in future. I wish you all the best with your eCommerce website and hope that it will not be compromised!

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