Share Content with StumbleUpon

By Adam  |  29 Feb 2016 12:00:00

If you're doing content marketing for your eCommerce business, then the one thing you really want is for people to read your content. You could have a really superb piece of content on your site, something which would endear anybody who read it... But then, if nobody read it, it would do nothing. Just because a piece of content is very good, does not mean that it will definitely be found. So what can you do to increase the chances of people finding your content? Well, one thing you might like to try is submitting everything you write to StumbleUpon.


StumbleUpon is a content sharing site which is useful for helping to distribute your work. If you sign up to StumbleUpon, every time you log in you'll be given a piece of content which it thinks you will like. StumbleUpon determines what you'll be interested in based on the subjects you choose as interests when you first join. You can then let StumbleUpon know whether or not you like the content it has brought you to by giving it a thumbs up or a thumbs down - it keeps this in mind when suggesting new things to you and when suggesting that same content to others. When you submit your own content to StumbleUpon, you just have to select the interest groups which it is relevant to (as well as whether or not it is safe for work) and then that’s that - StumbleUpon will then share your content with people who should like it.


StumbleUpon is a completely free service and it only takes a couple of moments to submit content through it, so it's well worth looking into! For as many people as possible to find your site, you need to create loads and loads of ways for people to get to and StumbleUpon is just one of these ways. However you decide to promote your eCommerce business, I hope that it will be successful and you'll reach a lot of people.

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RomanCart Content Expert
Ecommerce Expert
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