Why Small Businesses Need Websites

By Adam  |  27 Apr 2016 12:00:00

It can be a tough world for small business owners - so much competition from international corporations, so much trouble building up brand awareness and trust from your customers. But do you know what else makes things harder? Not having any kind of internet presence. For today's blog post I would like to explain just why it is that small businesses need to get themselves a website, though, since the list of reasons is so enormously long, this will be more of an overview.


1. It Helps Your Existing Customers
Millions of pounds are spent on online shopping every day. This is because it's just so easy to order something over the internet. If somebody decides that they want something, buying it online allows them to fulfil that desire right away. They'd also be able to do that at any time of day! This convenience is one of the biggest appeals of online shopping. As you always want to accommodate your customers in as many ways as possible, by having a website you're just giving them another way to keep in touch.


2. It Can Find You New Customers
While being online can encourage existing customers to make purchases more often, it can also get you new customers! The next time somebody uses a search engine to find the product you sell, perhaps they'll find your website offering it? Of course, once you've got a website you can do good social media marketing for it too, which can then help you to reach even more people. When you do online marketing properly you can gain access to hundreds of new customers.


3. You'll Look More Professional
Let's say you go to a trade conference. You do a bit of mingling. A bit of networking. Once that event is all over, how is anybody going to find your business if you're based very far away from them and you don't have a website? If you have a website, you can always include the URL on your business card - this will help you to look a lot more professional and able to keep up with the latest trends in the world of business and technology.


That may just be three things, but they're three big things and there're many other benefits too. So if you think that starting an eCommerce website could be the best choice for your business, sign up to RomanCart today to add shopping cart functionality to any site.

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